Cheese Dots tart shells are an easy and fun way to prepare Cheese Dots for friends and family gatherings.

How to make
The night before or at least 5 hours before you start cooking, put your Cheese Dots bag in the fridge to thaw.
Put half of the log of goat cheese in a bowl and set it outside of the fridge to start softening. Fluff it a bit.
In the meantime, dice or slice the mushrooms.
Heat some oil in a frying pan and sauté the mushrooms.
Add the mushrooms to the goat cheese bowl and mix it in until well combined - set aside.
Preheat oven to 400F.
To make the tart shells you will press 1 Cheese Dot (1 Cheese Dot = 1 tart shell) against the bottom and walls of the mini muffin pan - no need to grease it.
Make sure to leave a nice hole for you to put the filling in.
With a spoon, scoop the filling and put it in your tart shells. Don't be cheap, it will decrease in the oven, so make sure to add more, rather than less.
Slide in to your preheated oven and bake for 35 min or until the top of the Dots are golden brown.
Take them out of the pan, let them cool a bit and enjoy!
What you need for 10 tart shells
1 bag of Cheese Dots
about 1/2 a log of goat cheese
3 mushrooms - diced
salt & pepper to taste
mini muffin pan